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Global Midlife
Climate Crises

Earth needs your effort!!

Wild Fire

The Countdown Is Now!

Climate reality gets worse each year. Let's curb global warming by 2030 to avoid catastrophe.

Solar Panels

We have the means, help  ignite the will. 

Growing collaborative efforts can persuade businesses and government to take action today.


Your Actions Determine Earth's Future

We all contribute to global warming. We can continue contributing or we can engage in solutions. 

Our Pupose

A collective of people committed to curbing global warming by 2030. Together, we inspire and multiply efforts by combining our collective good; we encourage young people by honoring Earth's future and aligning with their climate activism; ultimately we move individuals, governments and businesses to stop harming Earth's climate. 

Sea Turtle
Heed our youth. Seize your legacy.

What gift, talent, passion will you share?

Aneeeshwar wants nature to thrive so he put bird nest boxes in his back yard.

Greta wants leaders to make better choices, so she made a sign.

Oscar wants people's concerns to be heard so he wrote a song.

Where to start?
Upward Curve

Share Your Successes

I'm guessing you already have done some good work and and already make efforts care for Earth's climate Let's celebrate our victories and let them inspire further  movement. Even more, let our efforts speak to the naysayers, the fossil fuel proliferators and the kicking and screaming feet draggers. Pictures of numbers speak loudly. So we're going to graph the %&#$@*& out of our collective wins.

Group Planting a Tree

 Engage with Solutions

A lot of organizations are doing great work that with your help can can become even greater work. Check out all the many ways you can share your time, talent and/or finances to ensure the climate crisis doesn't become a climate catastrophe.

Lazy Sunday

Share Second Sabbath

Voluntarily stay home and minimize your CO2 emissions on the second weekend of every month. COVID-19's silver lining was Earth got a rest from all the CO2 we create amidst our busy lives. Give yourself and the planet a break and enjoy slowing down and doing less for a couple days each month.

Join the Movement

Welcome! We're excited you are joining us to be the change.

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